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Health & Social Equity

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Programs at Promotions West are based on an Equity Framework with intentional focus on engaging community leaders and stakeholders representing priority communities that have not traditionally participated in leadership roles county or statewide initiatives. We are committed to eliminating racial and other demographic differences in social and health outcomes by examining organisational beliefs and altering practices to counteract the contemporary and historical impact of racism, hatred and discrimination.


To achieve health equity, Promotions West tackles broader social inequalities — access to power, resources, and opportunities — all of which determine the distribution of health and disease within the growing populations. With our partners, we are committed to achieve health equity through several strategies that include helping agencies to build capacity, providing communication tools, training, and techniques to build and sustain fairness and an equitable environment.


We work with many communities to develop initiatives and build strong coalitions and partnerships to address the root causes of inequities.


Promotions West recommends a great video on the topic of Inequality: Unnatural Causes- Is inequality making us sick?

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